
Caring Hands for Your Hands

If, as Shakespeare observed “the eyes are the window of your soul,” your hands, then, are the external reflection of your age, health and well-being. They have been immortalized in prose, song and verse, since time immemorial, from the excerpt from the song “Daddy’s Hands” … “there was always love in Daddy’s hands,” to the descriptive imagery of the love poem of an anonymous author who declared, “whenever you are lonely, just look at the spaces between your fingers and remember that’s where my fingers fit perfectly.”

Over time, the rigors of daily life, prolonged exposure to an unforgiving sun, skin diseases like eczema, seborrhea and psoriasis can cause your hands to lose their shapeliness and alter their youthful appearance. The simple process of ag­­­­ing can be especially hard on the appearance of your hands.

There is no fountain of youth or secret treatment to turn back the clock and completely rejuvenate your aging hands but there definitely is hope. It’s ironic that you spend countless dollars on cosmetic surgery to keep your faces and bodies more youthful looking and overlook one of the most important portions, the one part of your body that shows your age more than any other, your hands. They are exposed to the elements on a continuous basis more than any other body part and, consequently, more readily reveal the damaging results of that on-going exposure.
If you are suffering from any of the blemishes, large, pronounced veins and age spots that often accompany the aging process, there is no need to hide your hands any longer. There is a solution. Hope is just as close as your nearest Derick Dermatology practice. The board certified, caring, professional dermatologist at Derick Dermatology and their equally qualified, considerate, staff are experts in the care and treatment of your hands. They can provide cutting edge treatments for all of your age-related dermatological challenges, using state-of-the-art procedures and the latest, most modern equipment.

The hands that you may have been hiding in your gloves because of those signs of age can benefit greatly from one of Derick Dermatology’s skin healing processes known as “Laser Skin Resurfacing and Rejuvenation.” It works especially well with those age spots, wrinkles and large veins. It also helps improve the overall texture and pigmentation of your hands.

There is also a way to treat your hands if they have lost their shapeliness and overall volume. “Derma Filler Injections” are another one of Derick’s skin enhancing procedures. It can dramatically improve the appearance of your hands if they have become thin or frail looking, creating younger, more vibrant looking hands.

Aging is a fact of life but it doesn’t have to be reflected in your body and especially your hands. You have a choice to make. If you are not resigned to losing the youthful appearance of your hands to age spots, wrinkles and other skin blemishes, call your Derick Dermatology office for an appointment today. You will be so glad you did.

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