
Hands Don’t Keep Secrets

Are Your Hands Shouting Your Age?

As we age, our hands develop telltale signs – age spots, wrinkled skin, and loss of volume. If you are bothered by these changes you may be pleased to learn there are dermatological treatments available that can safely reduce these signs of aging with minimal (or no) interruption in your normal routine.

Hands Don’t Keep Secrets

We often take our hands for granted, until something happens to interfere with their use. Our hands often receive more exposure to the sun and elements than any other body part, and we often use them for harsh tasks without protecting them with gloves. This treatment doesn’t go unnoticed, however. Eventually the appearance of our hands changes to reveal the accumulated effects. Some of the things we see include:

  • Actinic keratoses (AK)
    AKs are rough, scaly patches that can appear on the skin, including the hands. They are precancerous growths that can occur in people with fair skin over the age of 40. They can appear earlier if you use tanning beds or have experienced a lot of sun exposure.
  • Loss of volume
    Aging hands lose the fullness of youth and skin becomes loose and wrinkled.
  • Prominent veins
    Loss of volume can amplify the appearance of blood veins.
  • Wrinkled skin
    Years of sun exposure breaks down the collagen in skin and promotes wrinkles.
  • Loose skin
    Aging is accompanied by the loss of collagen and elastin in the skin, both necessary ingredients for firm and full skin.
  • Rough skin
    Aging skin becomes drier because it holds less water, leading to roughness.

Some Remedies

Advances in hand rejuvenation allow us to restore a better overall shape and youthful look to aging hands.

  • Dramatic results are produced using injectables fillers such as Juvederm® to fill in hollow areas of the hand to plump them up.
  • Resurfacing the skin with laser light is another option that yields excellent results.
  • Topical creams that address hyperpigmentation can complement these techniques and produce a very satisfying result.

We Are Here to Help

If you are concerned about the appearance of your hands, give us a call. We are experts in skin care and our caring professionals are happy to discuss those concerns and answer all your questions.

You can reach us at (847) 381-8899 to schedule a consultation. We have offices to serve you in Arlington Heights, Barrington, Bartlett, Buffalo Grove, Crystal Lake, Elgin, Libertyville, Lindenhurst, McHenry, Naperville, Oak Brook, and Park Ridge.

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