Web MD: Women’s Hand and Nail Care

12 years ago

Washing your hands is a great way to curb the spread of germs. But some soaps can irritate your skin...…

Dermatology Times: Improve efficiency, patient care services with today’s hottest technology

12 years ago

Advances in technology provide new opportunities for improving office efficiency and better patient care. But they also pose challenges to…

Cosmetic Bootcamp University

12 years ago

Dr. Amy Derick recently served as faculty at the Cosmetic Bootcamp University in Chicago, attended by approximately 50 physicians; including…

New York Times: Why Am I Going Gray?

12 years ago

Why Am I Going Gray? Sooner or later, even as your hair keeps growing, those little pots of ink in…

WebMD: Smoking, Ink Color Affect Laser Tattoo Removal

12 years ago

Smoking, Ink Color Affect Laser Tattoo Removal Regret getting that Chinese character tattoo that turned out to be gibberish? Can't…

Daily Herald: Surprise skin care product is tops

13 years ago

Surprise skin care product is tops, say dermatologists When children start getting acne, which usually occurs during the teen years,…

Reuters: Tattoo infections linked to manufacturers’ ink

13 years ago

Dr. Derick speaks about "Tattoo infections linked to manufacturers' ink" on Reuters. The infections prompted an investigation by the U.S.…

Chicago Tribune: Tattoo infections linked to manufacturers’ ink

13 years ago

Tattoo infections linked to manufacturers' ink Contaminated tattoo ink caused at least 22 skin and soft tissue infections last fall…

Cars.com: Sun Protection for Drivers.

13 years ago

Dr. Derick comments on sun protection for drivers. Many of us slather on the sunscreen before heading outdoors, but are…

Michigan Avenue: Q & A Dr. Amy Derick

13 years ago

Michigan Avenue- Q & A With: Dermatologist Dr. Amy Derick Every year, more than 22,000 skin-conscious Chicagoans flock to Derick…