For generations, women have had to tolerate unwanted facial hair to some extent. To the extreme, there were circus sideshows and carnival touting their bearded ladies. Their full, luxuriant beards were the envy of their male counterparts. Lesser issues included the unsightly unibrows and embarrassing peach fuzz on upper lips. But guess what ladies? That was then and this is now!
As the saying goes, you’ve come a long way, baby. The rumors and myths that warned you that shaving your facial hair with your disposable razor or plucking it out would cause it to grow back darker and courser have been dispelled. Studies do, however, suggest that it does contribute to your facial hair growing back sooner.
There are several possible solutions to your unwanted face and body hair today. Creams and depilatories are possibilities, but doesn’t the mess outweigh any advantage? Primarily used on your legs and bikini areas, waxing is another somewhat painful option for the removal of your unwanted hair. Shaving still offers yet another alternative. Are any of these really worth the effort when your dermatologist can offer a much more effective solution to your unwanted facial and body hair?
The invention of the laser has changed everything for dermatology patients. Derick Dermatology is in the forefront of this new technology. They offer you, the customer, state-of-the-art treatment of your unwanted face and body hair. They select the right laser for each patient’s needs. One type is used with lighter skin. Another treats darker complexions. This difference is extremely important. Using the wrong laser can cause permanent complications, especially for darker skinned patients.
Unlike the temporary fixes that other methods offer, laser hair reduction is permanent. It is safe for men and women of every age. It eliminates your hair at a certain stage of growth. The laser treatment works quickly, eliminating 10 to 25 percent of your unwanted hair in just one treatment. Hair that grows back is lighter and finer. You will see immediate improvement after your series of laser treatments. There is more good news for men. Lasers can even remove that annoying hair in your ears.
There are many sources for laser hair removal from malls to walk-in clinics. Do you want to trust the appearance of your skin to a day spa or storefront technician? Your skin deserves better than that. The professional, board-certified dermatologists at Derick Dermatology are here to help you. Call for an appointment at Derick Dermatology where not only your unwanted hair removal, but your health and safety are their top priorities.
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