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Update on My Tattoo Removal Experience

By: Jessica Meyer

This month I couldn’t wait to come in for my tattoo removal because of the brand new laser at Derick Dermatology! The PicoSure laser was just set up and I was fortunate enough to be one of the first people to use it. This new laser uses picoseconds compared to nanoseconds to shatter the pigment into sand-like particles. And the smaller the particle, the easier it is for the body to digest. This has pretty much cut treatment time for laser tattoo removal in half!

There are huge possibilities with the new PicoSure laser for people being held back from job opportunities or even wearing certain clothing. One of the reasons I no longer want my tattoo is because of the location and visibility. I started thinking down the road- what ruins showing off a gorgeous engagement ring more than black ink on that same hand? Most people have to plan at least a year before their wedding to start the laser tattoo removal process if they don’t want a tattoo showing in their gown or tux, or more importantly, in wedding photos forever. The PicoSure laser completely changes all of that! Tattoos that used to take 10-15 treatments (or 10-15 months) could now only need 3-5! So, as I said, I was beyond excited to be one of the first people to try this amazing new technology.

The PicoSure laser’s pulses are 100 times faster than the Q-switched laser. The laser also uses pressure waves instead of photothermal energy, so it isn’t as hot. This time I did the entire treatment without any numbing, because the PicoSure is faster and wouldn’t create as intense of a burning sensation. I used a hose that blows cold air over the site during the laser removal, which eliminated the hot feeling from the laser.

Some awesome photos were taken during the removal process. It’s easier to explain with the visual aids.
Here’s a photo of my tattoo after two Q-switched treatments, and right before the PicoSure treatment:



Here are a few photos of the laser treatment in progress. You can see that laser light that pinpoints exactly where the pulses are directed.



And then, finally, a photo post treatment and before the bandage. This helps to show that “burnt marshmallow” look that I’ve mentioned before. You can’t see any black ink anymore either, which means that all parts of the tattoo were treated with the laser.


Something I had worried about before was the pain I might feel after the treatment. I have always had lidocaine injected, so the site stayed numb for at least a few hours. This time I was able to test it out, and to my surprise, there wasn’t any pain! Overall, as a patient, there isn’t a difference during or immediately after treatment with the PicoSure laser.

The biggest difference is that there is a possibility that the remainder of the ink from my tattoo will be removed after this one PicoSure laser treatment! Even if another one or two treatments are necessary, they can be done every four weeks. My tattoo will be completely removed by the beginning of July!

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