
CoolSculpting Near Me

Looking our best is a priority to most of us, yet we often have those stubborn areas of fat that don’t seem to respond to diet or exercise. No matter how many calories we cut or how many oblique crunches we do, we just can’t get rid of these unsightly fat deposits. Sure, there are always body shapers, but the discomfort of those medieval contraptions sometimes outway the aesthetic benefits. Muffin-top, bra bulge, double chin, or elephant knees – whatever your problem area might be, Derick Dermatology may have the perfect solution for you in an innovative fat removal technique known as CoolSculpting.

Research conducted by dermatologists from Harvard Medical School showed that fat cells respond to the effects of cold more readily than the surrounding tissue. The process of freezing fat cells, or cryolipolysis, led to the development of CoolSculpting, a safe, non-invasive, and FDA approved procedure used to eliminate fat. CoolSculpting isolates fat cells and freezes them – without causing harm to the surrounding skin. After the procedure, the frozen fat cells are naturally eliminated through your body’s metabolic system over a period of about two months.

The procedure involves no needles, no anesthesia, no recovery time, and no scarring. Your healthcare provider marks the area of unwanted fat, then the CoolSculpting machine uses mild vacuum pressure to suction the targeted tissue into the applicator. The device then cools the fat cells without any damage to your skin. The procedure is comfortable enough for most patients to read, watch TV, or work remotely from the treatment room while Derick Dermatology staff members monitor you to ensure that you are comfortable. When your treatment is complete, you resume your everyday routine while your body begins to work on eliminating those newly frozen fat cells.

CoolSculpting typically takes an hour per treatment area. Studies indicate that nearly 20% of the frozen fat cells are eliminated after each procedure, so you may require multiple treatments to achieve your desired results. Unlike liposuction, CoolSculpting can be performed in our office, making it a convenient option on top of everything else.

If you would like to learn more about CoolSculpting or would like to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact any one of Derick Dermatology’s four locations. Our practitioners at Arlington Heights, Barrington, Crystal Lake, and Elgin are ready to help you finally get the body that you’ve worked so hard to have.



Derick Dermatology is a leading authority in medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatological services with 23 stunning dermatology practices in Chicago, IL, and Tampa Bay, FL. Our dedicated dermatologists offer exceptional dermatological services for both adult and pediatric patients.  Please feel free to Self-Schedule Now

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