
How Your Diet Might Be Contributing to Acne

How Your Diet Might Be Contributing to Acne

Acne is a common skin condition that can affect many people. The condition is often characterized by a wide variety of bumps, and they are often seen on the back, face, shoulders, and neck. The most common types of acne are a pimple, whitehead, and blackhead.

Whitehead: When you notice white, hard bumps on your skin, they could be whiteheads. More than likely, your pores are clogged and closed.

Blackhead: Do you notice that your skin has many tiny black spots? These small black spots could be blackheads, and they typically appear when a pore is clogged but remains open.

Pimples: Pimples are a type of acne that most people know. If you have seen red bumps with white pus on your face, they were probably pimples.

How Does Acne Occur?

Before seeking treatment for this extremely common condition, it’s important to know what causes acne. Acne is generally the result of a body’s hormonal changes.

Most people will experience acne when their skin’s pores are oversaturated with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. A lot of people deal with acne in their teens because excess oil is typically produced during puberty.

Diet Changes Can Improve Acne

Many people are unaware that their diet may be contributing to acne. Instead of only using popular acne solutions to treat this condition, consider focusing on changing the foods that you consume everyday.

According to much research, your blood sugar will raise significantly when you eat certain types of food. When this happens, insulin will be released in your body. In a short amount of time, the oil glands will increase production, which often results in acne.

Here are a few insulin-inducing foods you’ll want to avoid as much as possible: white bread, pasta, sugar, and and white rice.

Bad Foods For Your Skin

The typical American diet contains many foods that are not good for your skin. If you regularly consume saturated fats, high-glycemic carbs, trans fats, and dairy, your skin may be prone to acne. These such foods can cause excess oil production and increase inflammation.

Good Foods For Your Skin

Now that you know what foods to avoid, it’s time to discuss the foods that will be beneficial to your skin. Many experts believe that maintaining an acne diet rich in complex carbohydrates may prevent people from experiencing acne. With this important insight in mind, slowly begin to incorporate fruits and vegetables into your diet.

Ask your doctor about incorporating some of these skin-friendly foods too: brown rice, blueberries, nuts, beans, and tomatoes.

The best thing to do is to experiment with your diet to determine which foods will not cause acne. Always keep in mind that everyone’s body is different. Make sure to consider any allergies when altering your diet

Recent Studies Regarding Acne Prevention

Vitamins A And E

A few researchers discovered that people who didn’t have enough vitamin A and E in their diet were prone to acne. These researchers discussed the results of their study in the Journal of Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology.

If you want to prevent acne, these researchers suggest consuming more foods with vitamin A and E.


Antioxidants have been shown to eliminate acne by reducing inflammation. A recent study stated that antioxidant supplements can promote optimal mental wellbeing. Many people with acne experience emotional distress, so maintaining a diet rich in antioxidants may be extremely beneficial.


Many researchers believe that zinc plays a role in preventing acne. One possible way to get rid of severe acne is to consume turkey, lentils, cashews, and crab on a regular basis as these foods are rich in zinc.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Much research suggests that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can significantly decrease acne. Make sure to incorporate eggs and fish into your diet to consume this type of fat.

Low-Glycemic Diet

A low-glycemic diet consists of foods that do not have a lot of simple sugar. Some researchers believe that following this diet can significantly improve acne. Many people on a low-glycemic diet also experience weight loss as well.

Important Takeaway

When it comes to acne solutions, a balanced diet rich in certain good foods seems to be the answer. Just keep in mind that a food “cure” isn’t available though.

Before you alter any aspect of your diet, it’s important to discuss the changes with your doctor. You want to ensure that the new diet will be beneficial to your overall health.

There is a chance that acne will go away without diet changes or treatment. Many people will see a significant improvement in their skin’s condition with by eating certain foods. Make a decision to give an acne diet a try. You may be surprised by the results.



Derick Dermatology is a leading authority in medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatological services with 23 stunning dermatology practices in Chicago, IL, and Tampa Bay, FL. Our dedicated dermatologists offer exceptional dermatological services for both adult and pediatric patients. Please complete our online form or call our main number at (866) 337-4251 to schedule a consultation.

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