
The Realities of Aging

The Realities of Aging Skin

As we pass milestones in life, such as graduating school, getting our first good job, getting married, having a family, buying a house- all of us have a common ground despite social status, ethnicity, education level or background. We all inevitably grow older.

As you grow older, your aging skin begins to lose its ability to produce things like the fibers and proteins that retain moisture. Without these, your skin begins to sag and develop noticeable lines and creases. It can appear old and tired-looking.

Fairly or not, society judges you by how you look. It can negatively impact your self-esteem. There may come a time when you no longer like what you see in the mirror. The good news is that it doesn’t have to happen to you.

How many famous actors, executives, people in the public spotlight, and even ordinary, everyday people do you see who never seem to age? Is it something in their genes, a predisposition against growing older? Or is the answer actually something simpler, involving the science of dermatology and a dermatologist’s careful ministrations?

More than likely, it is the latter. There are dermal fillers that are administered through injection that can help you achieve and retain your youthful appearance that is so valued by society. They can offer you a viable alternative to the much more invasive surgical facelift, usually involving hospitalization and extended recovery time.

There are three primary types of dermal fillers used by your dermatologist. They can be made from natural materials, be animal-derived or synthetic. Each type is designed to fill a particular need for you that has been carefully identified by your dermatologist.

Your dermatologist uses a variety of these fillers. Depending upon your specific need, they can determine which product is appropriate for you. Your results can last from several months to several years with minimal or no downtime, depending upon the product selected and its specific ­application. The choice is yours and the opportunities abound.

Dermal fillers offer you an interesting, temporary solution to aging in an appearance-conscious society. Dermatologists point out optimistically that, although they cannot “turn back the clock” completely with dermal fillers, they can certainly help give you a healthier, more youthful appearance. If you have any concerns, you should consult your dermatologist. They are here to help you and answer all of your questions. You have nothing to lose but your lines and wrinkles.

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