5 ways to Prepare and take care of your skin for Summer
As the weather becomes steadily warmer and the days longer, it has us turning our sights to the summer season. With this, comes BBQs, beach days and vacations as well as spending a lot more of your time outdoors. While this is a great thing to do, it can wreak havoc with your skin, so you’ll want to be prepared. The past few months of cold, wind and rain can leave your skin dry and sensitive, so getting it ready before exposing it to the sun and warm weather can get you off to a much better head start. Here we have put together a guide to five ways to prepare and take care of your skin for summer.
Why do you need to prepare your skin for summer?
The sun can impact your skin in many ways, from its appearance to its overall health. By preparing yourself for the hotter climes, you put your complexion in the best position going forward. The main reasons you need to prepare include:
- It can cause premature ageing – The sun’s rays can slow the production of collagen which can cause fine lines and wrinkles to become more prominent. It can also damage the elastic fibres deep within your skin, causing it to sag and droop and altering your appearance.
- It can cause skin damage – If you spend too much time in the sun under harmful UV rays, these can damage the DNA deep in your skin cells. This damage can cause cell growth to mutate and multiply which could end up leading to skin cancer.
- It can be harder for your makeup to set – When you spend too much time in the sun, you sweat, leading to clogged pores, spots and blackheads. This can impact your appearance and make it more difficult for makeup to sit on your skin.
- It can change your skin texture – As the sun damages your skin and impacts your collagen production, you can find the overall texture changes. This can make it harder for products such as your primer and moisturizers to be absorbed and it can look and feel rougher overall.
- It can cause skin issues – Sunburn can cause a range of skin issues to occur, such as inflammation, itching and irritation.
How can you prepare your skin for summer?
Switch up your moisturizer
While the winter calls for heavier skincare products, the warmer weather in summer means you can opt for something a little lighter on the skin. Switch up your heavyweight moisturizers and cleansers that have been saving your skin from the cold, dry air, to those that are soft and lightweight. Your skin in the summer is more likely to be sweaty and shiny, producing higher levels of sebum that keep your skin hydrated. If you were to apply more dutiful moisturizers on top, your skin would end up looking shiny and could clog your pores too.
Exfoliate regularly
As you go about your day, dirt and debris can quickly build up on your skin. Add to this a layer of sweat from the sun and melting makeup and soon your pores are blocked and spots and blackheads are forming. To combat this, exfoliate at least two to three times a week, giving your pores a much more thorough cleanse. Look for an exfoliating cleanser that works to break down whatever is blocking your pores, leaving your skin feeling fresh. These can come in the form of a cream or gel, with some containing exfoliating beads and other ingredients such as salicylic acid to thoroughly cleanse the skin.
Add SPF products to your skincare routine
While you should wear an SPF every day, it’s even more important in the summer. The sun’s rays are at its strongest here and harmful UV rays can cause greater damage to your skin. You can add SPF to your skin with sun cream that can be used as a standalone product or before commencing your makeup routine. You could also look for SPF in products such as moisturizers, foundations and other creams and gels you apply as part of your makeup or skincare. The higher the SPF the better and it’s recommended to use an SPF of at least 30 to offer an adequate layer of protection against the warmer weather.
Wash with cooler water
Washing your face with cool, if not cold, water in the summer is a great way to keep your skin healthy and more protected. Colder water can tighten up your skin which not only reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles but can also make it harder for UV rays to penetrate deeper into your pores. The coldness also increases your blood flow which helps with puffiness and also gives your complexion a natural shine that looks healthy when out and about.
Cleanse your skin daily
Your skin gets greasier in the warm weather and as said above, can lead to your pores becoming blocked and blackheads or spots forming. To combat this, cleanse your skin twice a day, every day. Do your first cleanse once you wake up, cleaning away any dirt, debris and dead skin from the night before. Follow it up with a lightweight moisturizer and SPF before applying your usual daily makeup routine. Your second cleanse should take place at the end of the day where you can rid your face of any impurities and grime from things such as pollution and makeup. This should be a more thorough cleanse involving an exfoliator, toner or serum.
These are just a few top ways to prepare and care for your skin for summer. If you have any skincare concerns from sun damage, ageing or anything else, get in touch with us at Derick Dermatology.

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