Benefits of Earlobe Repair
Like any other feature that accents your face, earlobes may not provide the appearance that you prefer. Earlobe reduction surgery can make them pleasing with symmetry, resilience, size and shape. With their prominent location so close to your face, they may influence your looks more than they deserve. While many people think of cosmetic surgery as a medical miracle available only for large areas of the body, the process lets you modify features that affect your confidence and self-esteem.
Considering Some Reasons for Earlobe Surgery
Advanced cosmetic surgery techniques provide options that improve your appearance by enhancing the features that nature and your genetic background gave you. Many reasons exist for choosing earlobe repair near me, and chief among them derives from your decision to make the changes you deserve. You may have experiences that changed your earlobes over time, or you may have never liked the way they looked. Either way, you have viable options through surgical dermatology to change conditions that displease you.
Avoid Stares
A torn earlobe can attract the kind of attention that you detest. The soft tissue can tear easily, as you may know if you have ever gotten an earring caught in your clothing. Dangling earrings seem to fascinate children whose undeveloped fine motor skills let them lurch toward you, grab them and create a tear. The unsightliness of the scar provides a worthy reason to make it barely noticeable.
Sagging Skin
It comes as no revelation that your body loses the ability to produce collagen and elastin as you age. The absence of it makes your skin less resilient, and your earlobes may become larger and longer over time.
Heavy Jewelry
As you may expect, earrings that dangle from the soft tissue in your earlobe can cause stretching. As your skin loses natural elasticity, it cannot return to its previous shape. However, cosmetic surgery can reduce the size of stretched lobes and rejuvenate them with youthful resilience.
Enlarged Pierce Marks
The joy of wearing fashionable earrings in your youth may have produced enough weight to affect the size of the hole in your lobe. As a professional in the business world, you may prefer to adopt a conservative style of jewelry, but a damaged lobe can prevent it.
Return to Fashion
While you may no longer get to wear heavy jewelry after earlobe surgery for a tear, you can wear smaller and lighter pieces that a restored lobe can accept. A stud or a small hoop may give you a sophisticated look that you enjoy.
Short Hair Again
Many women choose to wear long hair in the current environment, but many others may prefer the short bobs that suit active lifestyles. Hairstyles for men seem to rely on short cuts, denying the option to prevent anyone from seeing a damaged earlobe. With earlobe repair near me, both genders have the freedom to choose a preferred hairstyle.
Understanding Earlobe Reduction Surgery
As an outpatient procedure, earlobe repair takes less time than you may expect. Under local anesthetic, you may notice some painless light pressure in the area as you stay awake during the surgery. The incisions that remove the tissue in overstretched earlobes remain virtually invisible occur in a crease where your earlobe and cheek join. The reconstruction process puts the lobe back together with a shape, size and proportion that complements your face, incorporating symmetry with your other ear. With dissolvable sutures that disappear within seven days or less, you can leave the office immediately after surgery barring any complications.
Achieving Results
While you may have some minimal pain, numbness and itching during recovery, the benefits of earlobe reduction provide correction to aspects of your appearance that bother you. Maybe even more importantly, it can affect the way that you see yourself. A modification of the shape and proportionality of your earlobe can increase your confidence and enhance your self-esteem. Low-risk surgery produces permanent results that may contribute meaningfully to your quality of life.
Recovering from Surgery
As you may expect, your recovery from surgical dermatology reflects the simplicity of the procedure. At Derick Dermatology, our straightforward process requires minimal time to perform and a short time to recover from it as well. Our aftercare instructions advise you to wear a sports-type headband for a few days while you sleep to allow the incisions to heal properly. Avoiding pressure on the area by sleeping on your other side for about a week contributes to healing, and you can help prevent swelling by keeping your head at a slight elevation. We recommend delaying participation in strenuous activity for at least a couple of days after surgery. Most of our patients resume regular duties and activities in less than a week.
Letting Us Help You Realize Your Dreams
The ease of the surgery at Derick Dermatology may encourage you to make aesthetic adjustments that can provide satisfaction and enhance your self-confidence. A decision to make changes to your appearance may have a lasting impact on your quality of life.

Derick Dermatology is a leading authority in medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatological services with 23 stunning dermatology practices in Chicago, IL, and Tampa Bay, FL. Our dedicated dermatologists offer exceptional dermatological services for both adult and pediatric patients. Please feel free to Self-Schedule Now