The Benefits of Laser Skin Resurfacing
As a person ages, they invariably experience skin issues. These issues can range from acne and wrinkles to scars and blotches. Even though these skin problems can develop for any number of reasons, you don’t need to use a different treatment for each problem. Laser skin resurfacing is a popular technology that’s able to help your skin appear healthier and younger by reducing facial blemishes, wrinkles, and scars. By using a precise laser to remove thin layers of skin, new skin cells will form during the healing process, which provides the skin with a tighter and more youthful complexion. If you’re thinking about scheduling this treatment for acne or wrinkles, this article offers a close look at some of the main benefits that the treatment provides.
Benefits of Resurfacing
There are many benefits that come with obtaining the resurfacing procedure for any skin issues that you currently suffer from. Likely the top benefit of this treatment is that it’s quick and easy. The procedure itself is typically completed in around 35-45 minutes depending on the extent of the treatment. Keep in mind that this is considered to be an outpatient procedure, which means that you’ll be able to go home immediately after the treatment is finished. Most procedures occur at a kind of outpatient surgical facility as opposed to a hospital. In general, this treatment is convenient and straightforward.
Another clear benefit of this treatment is that it will make your skin look much better. The point of this procedure is to remove or significantly reduce skin issues like wrinkles, acne, and scars. When this occurs, the appearance of your skin will automatically improve. Unlike skincare products, the results of this resurfacing treatment are long-lasting because of the permanent alteration of your skin. As opposed to concealing the unwanted wrinkles or skin blemishes that you’re experiencing, this treatment will replace the damaged skin with new and healthy skin.
Your new layers of skin won’t have been scarred or exposed to the sun, which ensures that your appearance will be enhanced significantly. The heat that’s sent out from the laser will stimulate the collagen in your skin cells, which allows the collagen to thicken up and become firmer. If wrinkles have developed on your skin, this issue has occurred because collagen invariably loosens over time, which leads to sagging and other issues in your skin. Tightening your skin should give you a more youthful appearance.
Another key benefit of this procedure is that the results are permanent, which isn’t true with most other treatments that aim to reduce signs of aging. You won’t need to go in for another resurfacing procedure after a year. Because the uppermost layers of your skin are new, the blemishes and scars that affected your former skin shouldn’t return. Keep in mind, however, that your skin will continue to age normally. This shouldn’t be a problem since your untreated skin would have aged as well.
To benefit the most from this particular procedure, it’s important that you obtain treatment from a reputable dermatologist. If a low-quality laser is used during the procedure, the treatment could be painful and harsh to the skin. On the other hand, high-quality lasers are able to offer painless results when treating acne scars, sun damage, and fine lines. Keep in mind that this particular treatment can be combined with a neck lift or facelift for the best results.
Some additional benefits that come with laser skin resurfacing include:
- Minimal downtime following the procedure
- The procedure can substantially reduce numerous skin blemishes without causing serious side effects
- May assist with the treatment of skin lesions that are considered to be pre-cancerous
- Stimulates collagen for a more youthful appearance
- Helps to improve the texture of your skin and balance skin tone
Once treatment has been completed, oral and topical medications are used to manage any discomfort that you might experience. Because this procedure is minimally invasive, the benefits far outweigh any potential risks.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this treatment right for me?
If you’re currently suffering from wrinkles, acne scars, or other skin blemishes, the safety of this particular procedure means that practically anyone is a good candidate. Keep in mind that skin that’s treated with a laser is sensitive to sun exposure for as much as one year, which is why it’s recommended that you obtain the treatment during the fall or winter seasons. Whenever you go outside, make sure that you wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.
Will the laser hurt my skin?
People with naturally sensitive skin may experience more discomfort than others. However, the pain produced by the laser should only ever result in mild discomfort. In the event that the treatment uses an ablative laser that penetrates deeper into the skin, local anesthesia may be administered in the treatment area to ensure you don’t experience pain while the treatment is ongoing. Other laser types should produce very little or no pain.
Can medications alter the results of this treatment?
Before you obtain this treatment, speak with your dermatologist about any medications that you’re currently taking. Standard acne medications may increase the risk of poor healing. If you currently take aspirin or similar over-the-counter medications, post-treatment bleeding may occur. Being forthcoming with the medications you take will allow the dermatologist to take every precaution before the procedure to avoid side effects.
What types of lasers can be used during the procedure?
There are five separate laser types that are commonly used during this procedure, which include erbium lasers, CO2 lasers, fractional lasers and pulsed-dye lasers. Your dermatologist will help you determine which laser is ideal for your treatment.
Are multiple treatments necessary?
If an ablative laser is used to perform the procedure, you may obtain satisfying results after one treatment. The majority of patients, however, require around 3-4 treatments before they get the results they want.
What potential side effects should I be aware of?
As with any cosmetic treatment, there are some possible side effects that you should be on the lookout for. Potential side effects include a bacterial infection, changes to skin pigmentation, slight burns, and scarring.
Laser skin resurfacing is a common and highly popular cosmetic treatment that can help you obtain the healthy and beautiful skin that you’ve always wanted. If you’ve found that acne scars or wrinkles have worsened your appearance, these blemishes can be reduced substantially in just a few treatments. Call Derick Dermatology today to schedule an initial consultation.
About Derick Dermatology
If you’re considering different treatments to help reduce the skin blemishes that you are currently experiencing, our dedicated and professional staff can tend to all of your needs as we help you choose the right treatment for any of your skin problems. Here at Derick Dermatology, we offer expansive cosmetic, medical, and surgical dermatological services. The majority of our services are available to pediatric and adult patients alike. If you’d like to schedule a consultation or learn more about the services we provide, contact Derick Dermatology today at (847) 381-8899.

Derick Dermatology is a leading authority in medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatological services with 23 stunning dermatology practices in Chicago, IL, and Tampa Bay, FL. Our dedicated dermatologists offer exceptional dermatological services for both adult and pediatric patients. Please feel free to Self-Schedule Now