Cellulite Treatments, Causes and More: How You Can Discover More Beautiful, Radiant Skin
Cellulite is a harmless skin problem that leads to dimpled skin. Over time, you may notice lumpy skin on your bottom, thighs, stomach, and abdomen. While this problem is more common with women, it can happen to people of any gender.
Sometimes, people will try to make their skin look better by losing weight or buying a skin cream. Exercise and massage are also common alternative remedies. Often, these treatments are not powerful enough to reverse skin dimpling, so people turn to other cellulite treatments instead. Dermatologists offer science-based treatments that provide long-lasting relief for common skin ailments.
You may suffer from this skin problem if you have bumpy, lumpy, or dimpled skin. In many cases, this condition looks like there is cottage cheese underneath the skin. If your skin looks like the texture of an orange peel, you may also be suffering from this ailment. In more extreme cases, your skin may even look like it has mountain peaks and valleys.
While this problem is commonly found on the bottom and thighs, you may also notice it on your lower stomach, upper arms, or breasts. Because this condition does not cause any long-term harm, you do not have to treat it. Many people choose to treat it because they care about how their skin looks. If you are concerned about your appearance, a dermatologist or plastic surgeon can walk you through the treatment options.
What Is the Main Cause of Cellulite?
Genes appear to play a role in many skin conditions, but scientists are still unsure why some people develop cellulite. Normally, people have fibrous cords within their skin that connect the skin to muscle. In between the cords, there is a small amount of fat.
When these fat cells build up, they can push against the skin. While the fat pushes portions of the skin up, the fibrous cords continue to pull the rest of the skin down. Because of this, the top of the skin looks dimpled and uneven.
Scientists do not know the main cause of this condition, but they do have a few ideas about why it happens. Most likely, human hormones and age play a role. As women age, estrogen levels decline. This causes the skin to become thinner and less elastic. Over time, this can cause the skin to sag, which makes dimpled skin more obvious.
Women may also be more likely to develop this condition because of how the fibrous bands are formed. Men typically have perpendicular bands, and women have cross-linked bands. Because of this, it is easier for fat to push upward between the bands in a woman’s skin.
People are more likely to develop this condition as they get older. Additionally, women are more likely to have this problem than men. Other risk factors for this condition include smoking, a lack of exercise, and obesity. If you eat a diet rich in fat, salt, and carbohydrates, you are also more likely to develop this condition.
Can You Actually Get Rid of Cellulite?
If you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, you can improve the appearance of cellulite. You can also speed up your treatment process by using liposuction, acoustic wave therapy, subcision, vacuum-assisted precise tissue release, carboxytherapy or laser treatment. While new dimples will eventually appear in the future, these treatments can lessen the appearance of cellulite for months or years.
What Are the Best Cellulite Treatments?
You can get the best cellulite treatments from a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Your dermatologist can recommend science-based treatments for your condition and discuss alternative options. Depending on your unique situation, you may want to try out one or more of the following cellulite treatments.
- Laser treatment: Laser treatment is effective for a year or longer. This treatment involves firing a small laser underneath the skin to break up the tissue. By doing this, you can thicken the skin and alleviate skin dimpling.
- Vacuum-assisted precise tissue release: This treatment involves cutting the fibrous bands with small blades. Once these bands are cut, the tissue can fill the empty space. Your dimpled skin will disappear for up to three years.
- Acoustic wave therapy: This treatment uses sound waves and a hand-held device. Unlike other treatment options, this technique requires multiple sessions to be effective.
- Carboxytherapy: For this treatment, the medical practitioner places carbon dioxide gas underneath the skin. While it alleviates skin dimpling, the treatment can temporarily cause discomfort or bruises.
- Subcision: To carry out this treatment, the dermatologist inserts a needle underneath the surface of the skin. Then, they use the needle to break apart the fibrous bands that link your muscles to your skin. On average, these results will last for at least two years.
How Do You Smooth Out Cellulite?
Dermatologists can recommend the top cellulite treatments for your situation. If you want a non-surgical treatment, the American Academy of Dermatology has found that some creams and lotions are effective for treating this condition. You can also reduce your chances of developing this ailment by eating a healthy diet, quitting smoking, losing weight, and staying physically fit.
Certain creams and medications may temporarily alleviate cellulite by affecting the body’s fatty tissues. For example, caffeine is effective at dehydrating cells. This temporarily makes the fat cells less visible, but caffeine-based creams must be reapplied on a daily basis to continue working.
Meanwhile, retinol-based creams help to thicken the skin. It generally takes six months of daily treatments before you will see noticeable results. Because some people have a negative reaction to retinol, it is important to initially test this treatment on a small patch of skin before you use it in other places.
Everyone is different, so the right cellulite treatments can vary. In many cases, creams and similar treatments only offer temporary results. For more long-lasting results, you can consult with your doctor or dermatologist about the options that will work best for your needs.

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