Advancements in Dermatology
Building on a body of knowledge developed over centuries, the field of dermatology continues to serve a critical need in society. Modern dermatology offers great possibilities far beyond the imagination of ancient Egyptian caregivers or the founders of the first school for dermatologists in 1801.
Considering Some Remarkable Advances
A product that works beneath the skin’s surface can visibly smooth crow’s feet, Botox creases from facial frowns and forehead lines. CoolSculpting provides a technique that can break down stubborn fat by using extremely cold temperatures to freeze and eliminate fat cells. The use of laser technology to remove the scar tissue with the Fraxel Dual system offers hope to many. While impossible for early dermatologists to conceive of contemporary advances, clinical dermatologists provide innovative, safe, and effective treatments using them.
Reducing Facial Lines and Improving Appearance with Botox
The transition of a botulinum toxin from a muscle-contracting bacteria into a staple of modern aesthetic practice started long before patients benefited from its wrinkle-smoothing ability. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued approval of botulinum toxin to relax muscles that cause crossed eyes in 1989 and several other times since. Approval for using it to diminish crow’s feet and frown lines came in 2013. Derick Dermatology practices the latest state-of-the-art techniques for injections with Botox, Juvederm, or other fillers you may know. With advanced products that can smooth out the crow’s feet and frown lines that come with age, patients can enjoy a more youthful appearance.
Botox injections rank first among popularly searched cosmetic procedures in the United States, with more than 135,000 inquiries per month. The beauty treatment that it offers allows patients to enhance their appearance with smoothed crow’s feet and forehead furrow. In addition, it removes lip lines and bunny lines. Botox injections can lift sagging corners of the mouth, soften an angular jawline and correct a gummy smile. In addition, patients can get rid of skin dimpling on the chin or diminish the appearance of neckbands.
Reducing Fat with Cold Temperatures
Researchers at Harvard found that an application of cold temperatures can destroy fat cells without causing frostbite. Even more, it does not damage the surrounding skin, muscle tissue, nerves, or blood vessels. The noninvasive CoolSculpting device received approval for shrinking “love handles” and areas of belly fat in 2010 and other conditions later. FDA-cleared CoolSculpting devices can treat visible bulges under the chin and jawline. In addition, they can treat thighs, flanks and abdominal areas, bra or back fat the upper arm and buttocks.
The Harvard discovery came when doctors needed to treat cold-damaged tissue in the cheek of a child who had let a Popsicle remain too long. When they noticed a reduction in cheek fat, it led to the development of fat freezing or cryolipolysis. Residents of Chicagoland’s suburbs have access to the Zeltiq CoolSculpting fat reduction technique at Derick Dermatology’s 18 convenient locations. A board-certified dermatologist can provide pleasing results sooner and more effectively than diet and exercise can accomplish. The noninvasive procedure tones, firms and strengthens the butt, thighs, and abs. Advantages of the treatment that appeal to many patients provide valid reasons to consider it.
- Minimal downtime
- Return to daily routine after treatment
- Visible results within 24 to 48 hours for some procedures
- The appearance of full results within 30 days
Looking Younger with State-of-the-art Technology
As the development of innovative treatments for skin continues a long history, new options allow patients a range of choices. With initial approval by the FDA in 2003 and many times since then, the Fraxel Dual system offers skin resurfacing that produces remarkable results. An innovative advance in technology that bypasses the top layer of skin to produce heat deeply, it improves the appearance of many conditions. As an opportunity to look younger without making dramatic changes, it can make a difference with one single treatment. The appeal of the procedure attracts patients who want to remove skin conditions like these without cutting or needles.
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Sun damage
- Surface scars
- Pigmentation and age spots
- Actinic keratosis
Gaining a Leadership Position on Merit, Professionalism, and Outreach
Derick Dermatology offers each patient the highest quality of skincare while supporting it with state-of-the-art technology. With one of the most advanced dermatology practices in the United States, the company’s 18 locations in Chicago’s suburbs provide the highest quality of medical care. For full-body imaging, the Vectra 3D camera can provide visual answers to patients’ questions about cosmetic surgery procedures. For example, the leading edge equipment lets patients view the possibilities that a proposed treatment provides for the effect of a filler, reduction in redness on cheeks and nose, or the change that CoolSculpting can provide. In addition, pictures before treatment and after each follow-up allow patients to see the benefit of advanced technology and the exceptional skill of dedicated dermatologists.
Outreach to the community through providing convenient locations, philanthropic work, and investment in technology reflect the dedication of Derick Dermatology to serve. For example, working with the American Academy of Dermatology, the company donated a sunshade structure to a school to prevent skin damage to children at play. In addition, an emphasis on technology that supports the work of dedicated dermatologists contributes to the patient experience. For example, an investment in private access to cloud technology allows the ability to update patient records while maintaining the highest level of security and privacy.

Derick Dermatology is a leading authority in medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatological services with 23 stunning dermatology practices in Chicago, IL, and Tampa Bay, FL. Our dedicated dermatologists offer exceptional dermatological services for both adult and pediatric patients. Please feel free to Self-Schedule Now